AKFS Report Nr. 11
Merkes, Sara T.; Bledau, Lena; Voss, Martin (2022). Der Kontext zählt: Manual zur kultursensitiven Entwicklung und Implementierung technischer Lösungen. AKFS Report Nr. 11. Berlin: AKFS.
AKFS Report Nr. 10
Merkes, Sara T.; Güven, Şermin; Voss, Martin (2021). Democratic Disaster Risk Management and Pandemic Control: Socio-Political Debates on Civil Liberties during the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic with Examples from Armenia and Germany. AKFS Report Nr. 10. Berlin: AKFS.
AKFS Report Nr. 9
Schäfer, Janina; Blümel, Ina; Voss, Martin (2021). COVID-19-related Capacity Building in the Health Sector: An Overview of Key Measures and Policies Influencing Health Sector Capacity to Deal with COVID-19 in Germany, Iran and around the World. AKFS Report Nr. 9. Berlin: AKFS.eport Nr. 9. Berlin: AKFS.
AKFS Report Nr. 8
Blümel, Ina; Brüggen, Franca; Voss, Martin (2021). Towards Integrated Pandemic and Disaster Management: Approaches in Armenia and Germany. AKFS Report Nr. 8. Berlin: AKFS.
AKFS Report Nr. 7
Merkes, Sara T.; Brüggen, Franca; Voss, Martin (2021). Pandemic Policies in Germany’s Federal System: A Comparative Perspective on SARS-CoV-2 Measures in Bavaria and Saxony-Anhalt in March and April 2020. AKFS Report Nr. 7. Berlin: AKFS.
AKFS Report Nr. 6
Akademie der Katastrophenforschungsstelle (2021). Social, Medical and Technological Innovations in the Wake of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic. AKFS Report Nr. 6. Berlin: AKFS.
AKFS Report Nr. 5
Jafari Berenji, Parisa; Voss, Martin (2021). Vulnerability Profile Armenia: Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Vulnerabilities. AKFS Report Nr. 5. Berlin: AKFS.
AKFS Report Nr. 4
Mayer, Aljoscha; Voss, Martin (2021). Risiko- und Krisenkommunikation: Ein Überblick. AKFS Report Nr. 4. Berlin: AKFS
AKFS Report Nr. 3
Mayer, Aljoscha; Voss, Martin (2021). Risk and Crisis Communication: An Overview. AKFS Report Nr. 3 Berlin: AKFS.
AKFS Report Nr. 2
Akademie der Katastrophenforschungsstelle, Prepared International (2020). The System of Emergency Preparedness and Response in the Republic of Armenia. AKFS Report Nr. 2. Berlin: AKFS.
AKFS Report Nr. 1
Akademie der Katastrophenforschungsstelle, Prepared International (2020). Gaps and Capacities Analysis of the Armenian Civil Protection and Health Systems. AKFS Report Nr. 1. Berlin: AKFS.